The Following Study Article Is Composed From Preliminary Study Notes As I Progressively Step Through A Biblical Word Study On “The Cornerstone”. All References Are To The KJV.

The cross is the handwriting of ordinances that is against us, contrary to us, and blocking our way to unity with God (see Col 2:13-14).

It is the ordinance that you must deny yourself , lose your life,  and forsake all that you have in this world in order to follow God as His disciple and obtain the eternal life of your soul ( see Matt 10:39; Matt 16:24-25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24-25;Luke 14:26-27,33; Mar 10:21 )

No man keeps the ordinances or the law of the cross ( see Gal. 6:13) .  Fulfilling the ordinances of the cross is impossible with men, but not with God; for with God all things are possible ( see Mar 10:21, 26,27) .

The handwriting of ordinances that is against us , contrary to us, and blocking our way to unity with God has been nailed to the cross of Christ Jesus and been blotted out by Him ( see Col 2: 14).

Through a God given operation of our faith in the cross of Christ , and His resurrection from the dead by God the Father, he forgives our trespasses, quickens us and gives us life together with Him ( see Col 2:12-13).

It is by faith in the cross of Christ Jesus alone that the world is crucified unto us , and we unto the world, as new creatures ( see Gal 6:14,15 );  this faith in Christ’s cross is our cross, our shame , and the race that is set before us by Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith ( see Hebrews 12:1-4) .

Faith in the cross of Christ Jesus is our reconciliation, our peace and our new creation with God ( see Col. 1:20-21; Eph 2:13-15); it breaks down and abolishes the middle wall of partition between us and God, which is the enmity of the law of commandments contained in ordinances ( see Eph. 2:15) ;  it presents us as holy and unblameable and unreproveable in God’s sight ( see Col 1:22-23);  and it gives us access by one Spirit unto God the Father ( see Eph 2:18) .

The wisdom of cross of Christ is foolishness to them that perish ( see 1 Cor 1:18,19);  it is foolishness to those who trust in the wisdom , understanding and prudency of the world ( see 1 Cor 1:18,19) ;  and it is the destruction and voiding of the wisdom, understanding and prudency of this world (see 1 Cor l ;19-20).

The wisdom of cross of Christ is the power and wisdom of God to those who are saved (see 1 Cor 1:18,24 ) ;  it is God making foolishness of the wisdom of this world ( see 1 Cor 1:20);  and it is that no flesh should glory in His presence ( see 1 Cor 1:29).


From The Greek

” Stauros” : a stake or post ( as set upright) i.e ( spec.) a pole or cross ( as an instrument of capital punishment).